Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

more pictures

Here's a few pictures that I've been waiting to post for a while. I also added a couple pictures to Kristen's last post.

The second-last picture shows what she looks like with the breathing mask on (I don't think we've posted one like that here before).


  1. She is just beautiful. I can't get over the gorgeous blue eyes.

  2. The photo`s are lovely,especially the one wiyh Calla and Maya. What wonderful memories you`r creating. We think of you all of the time and praying. Your right, prayers do work.
    We can`t thank you enough for this blog,we`ve never met Georgia yet feel we know her and you all .Much love and support comes your way .God bless you all.

    Colin and Carol

  3. Georgia is so beautiful!

    She truly is an angel and we are happy to see how well she has overcome some of the challenges that she has been faced with these past few weeks. She has an amazing family, and your story has touched us all. We appreciate these updates and continue to pray and think of you.

    Tim, Adrienne, & Avery

  4. So cute! - Enjoy every moment!
    Stacey, Dean, Ariel, and Isaac

  5. Mike,

    Thanks for posting the additional pictures for us all, she is so beautiful and precious. Love and prayers for all of you

    Love Carrie

  6. These photos are beautiful and heart-aching and gorgeous all at the same time. There's so much love in your home! As a photographer, I think these moments are stunningly real and they truly capture your experience. As a mother, I know these moments are absolutely priceless, precious and dear to all of you and you must continue to document them. Thank you for sharing them with us and we will continue to think of you and hope that Georgia has many more moments to share with you.

  7. Thank you for sharing the photos and updating the blog. We are thinking of you all every day!
    The Blue Family

  8. Mike & Kristen,
    I continue to offer prayers for Georgia—and I know many others are doing the same, whether you are hearing from them or not. Your handling of this difficult time is inspirational and amazing to me. Please continue to enjoy the time you have with your angel. She is adorable. Janice Handford

  9. What a beautiful, precious little girl! Thanks so much for sharing the pics, it is so nice to see her enjoying her time at home with her family! I love the pic with Calla and Maya jumping beside her crib, I can just imagine Georgia laughing at her wild and crazy sisters. I hope you had a good night last night and another wonderful morning. Love Em


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