On Tuesday, just before I went to bed I went to feed my very old fish. He was lying at the bottom of his bowl dead. I just looked at Mike anxious to get that long day over and said. "Well, the fish is dead. I just want this day to end." I was already feeling quite bitter given that Georgie wasn't around for her birthday and the dead fish was like adding insult to injury.
We left the fish in the bowl until the next day because we wanted Calla and Maya to see it and understand what had happened. As I listened to Mike gently explaining to our girls that the fish had died I was still feeling bitter. It was a long week! Maya immediately got very excited upon hearing the news. Calla was smiling too. They both started going on about how great it was that the fish had died on Georgia's birthday because she must have wanted one for her birthday. "And, now she has one forever!", said Maya. Well, I couldn't help but smile after that.
Adn then, after several months of below normal temperatures followed by a gorgeous September the weather decided to go back to below normal temperatures. On Friday night it was snowing! The leaves have just started to change colors here and it was snowing like crazy. The next morning the ground was covered. I was horrified and my girls were thrilled! They couldn't wait to get out there. Our neighbor's little girl even woke her parents up already wearing her snow pants!
As disgusted as I was, we all spent a very fun morning outside playing in the snow. Calla wishes that it could be winter all year long! By afternoon most of the snow had melted but it remains quite cold here. Even as this week has been a long one I can actually smile and say to myself, "Well at least I have the other two!"
Thank you Calla and Maya. You fill our days with joy and sunshine even when it's snowing outside. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love to you all,