A few people have mentioned that they have been checking in daily to see if Aria has arrived. Nope... and she doesn't seem to be planning on it anytime soon. : ) My due date is the 28th so that leaves approximately 12 days until then. Calla was born at 38 weeks (so now in other words) and Maya and Georgia were born pretty much right on. Maya was one day past and Georgia was actually born on her due date. I promise that Mike will update as soon as she is born. In the meantime we have been staying pretty busy.
After two weeks of cool and wet weather it seems that summer may actually be arriving. We have spent the last few days working on the yard. All of the planters are filled with flowers and part of the flower bed is also finished. Today, Mike with the help of some friends planted a new tree in Georgia's part of the garden. The other tree had been killed by the rabbit. I am hoping that by tomorrow I will have planted all of flowers and replaced the stepping stones that we made last year in her memory. The lilies that I planted last year are all coming up again. I didn't even know that they were perennials! Duh!
I am hoping to get all of the vegetable seeds in this week too. I have been finding that everything is taking a lot more time this year as I have a big belly in the way and I am quite tired in the afternoons. The rabbit is back again as well. Mike blocked one of his entrances and he simply dug another one. This winter he managed to destroy most of my lilac and I'm pretty sure that he has killed my weigela. The girls think he is so cute every time they spot him and all I can think about is what kind of damage he is doing.
This week we also marked an important milestone. Maya completed her 3 year old preschool program. It was so great to hear how her teachers have really enjoyed watching her change over this past year. The funny part of it is that Maya keeps asking when she gets to go back!! She was really enjoying it this past month. : )
Besides doing up the yard, our coming week is a bit quieter. The week after however the girls have their dress rehearsal and then two separate dance recitals. The baby is of course due that week as well. I am really hoping that she chooses to make an appearance a few days before then or waits until after the recitals. They are so fun to watch and this year Maya is dancing for the first time. I promise to post pictures! : )
Love to you all,