Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here We Go!

Alright, it seems to be all set up. Have you done any thinking? Have you come up with any creative ideas? As mentioned in the previous post I have signed up to help raise $5000 to help fund the trials down in California. Yes, a cure really is that close! Are you in? Do you want to help? If you would like to make a donation please go to www.uniteforthecure.com and click on "donate". You can use your credit card or send in a cheque. If you are donating because I am asking you to then I ask that you include Georgia's name. For all of my non-American readers I don't think that we'll be qualifying for tax receipts but think about what you are doing. Better yet, think about who you are helping!

Georgie died four months ago today. That's 122 days. She has placed me on a path that I never imagined exploring and yet I continue to do so even when I have no idea where I'm going. She has brought out the best in me and shown me that I am capable of all kinds of things. When I first heard about the Unite For the Cure I couldn't sleep. I wasn't sure that I would be able to raise the $5000 but I knew that I had to try. I refuse to be haunted by the memory of my baby. I refuse to tell the Strong's that I won't try because I'm not sure that I can do it. If somebody had said that to me when Georgie was still breathing I think that I would have 'clocked' them. So once again I am asking you to join me. Fight with me! We couldn't save Georgie but we can save so many others!

At the moment I am coming up with some ideas of useful and or edible things to sell to raise some of the money. Please share any ideas that you may have.

Love to you all,


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Something Bigger

Have you ever felt like you wanted to be a part of something that is bigger than yourself? Have you ever felt like you could be doing more but you're not sure what? Well, the Strong's have put out a challenge asking us all to do more and I have accepted. In a nutshell, the very promising stem cell trials down in California are lacking funding. The Strong's are asking 20 families affected by SMA to raise $5000 each raising a total of $100 000. This money will help to bridge the funding gap to come up with $500 000. Let me make this clear. Mike and I don't have $5000 just lying around to hand over. In fact, when I first read the post on www.gwendolynstrong.com I felt uncomfortable. I feel a little bit like I am being pushed outside of my comfort zone and taking on a challenge that I'm not sure how to complete.

Georgia's Journey of Hope on October 3rd has commited itself to donating all proceeds to FSMAC. I promise you that this will be a very affordable and family friendly event. Mike and I are eating the cost of the fundraiser so every penny you spend that day will be donated directly to FSMAC. You'll get food, fun, fellowship and a chance to win great prizes. That sounds good right! Now I'm asking you to push past your comfort zone.

As I have stated Mike and I do not have $5000 just lying around. Truthfully, we could probably come up with the money but I am hoping that you will want to help us. I am asking you to think outside the box and be creative. Would you consider donating you coffee money to the cause? What about some of your lunch money? Would you consider selling some of your children's clothing or toys and donate the money to help save a child from the same fate as our Georgie? What about asking some of your coworkers for a toonie towards a cure?

Now many of you are uncomfortable. I don't blame you. Asking people for money is hard. Giving away money without getting a tax receipt is hard for some people too. To all of you I say this...How uncomfortable do you think it feels to hear a doctor pronounce a death sentence on your child? How uncomfortable do you think it is to watch as their muscles slowly weaken to the point that they are paralyzed and need help breathing? How uncomfortable do you think it is to hold your baby in your arms as they take their last breath? How uncomfortable do you think it is to watch a pretty little pink casket get lowered into the earth?

Now, how uncomfortable do think it is to look into your dying daughter's eyes and know that $500 000 is all that stands between life and death. What would you do? If you're still at a loss then look into Georgie's eyes. I have no doubt that she will inspire you.

I am asking you to join us. I don't want you giving money that you can't afford or are giving in annoyance. I want you to become part of something bigger, to do something more.

I am still working on the details with Victoria Strong. More information to follow. Please just think about it.

Love to you all,


PS The mountains are beautiful!