Maya was our Little Mother Hen from the time that she could walk. Still a baby, she wanted to hold babies almost as big as her. She was also always concerned about their well being, running to tell an adult if she thought something bad was about to happen. Then...Georgia died. Looking back now I didn't even realize all of the changes that my girls exhibited. While Calla would often ask about why others had babies and we didn't, Maya just simply shut down when she was around them. Both of the girls ignored any babies for the most part acting almost like they didn't exist.
Times have changed. Last Sunday my cousin came into town with her twins (9 months). Little Mother Hen was back in full force. Maya was concerned when they were crying, fascinated when they were being changed and fed, worried when they crawled a little bit too far, and thrilled when I placed one of them in her arms. She talked about them on the way home and the next day. She has asked when she will see them next and continues to refer to them. When I took her out the other morning she was fascinated by a baby in a stroller, trying to get a better look and wondering if if was a girl or a boy.
Both of the girls now think that it's hilarious when they feel the baby move or even funnier if they see her move. They both like to cuddle up to my big belly and wait for her to kick them in the hand or the face. : ) Maya looked at me the other day and said, "Mom, when is that baby ever going to come out of you? " Soon Maya.
I had been worried that a new baby might throw our Maya for yet another loop. I have been worried that if she doesn't get enough of my attention she is going turn into herself again and lose that spunk. Every once in a while I have asked myself if we should have waited just a little bit longer. Now, I see that Maya will continue to thrive and grow and learn just like she did when we had Georgie with us. We now await our fourth gift with nothing but excitement. Life truly is filled with abundance.
Thank you for sharing Jonathan and Sydney with us Kylie. You'll never know how a few hours has changed our Maya yet again.
Love to you all,