Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I felt the first twinges of labour just after the girls went to bed. I wasn't really surprised. The midwive had said afterall, "Tonight's the night!" After two sleepless nights due to strong contractions I felt ready. I was more than ready. Still, there was absolutely nothing going on as I finished supper at my parents' that night. Around 9:00 the contractions started to become regular and I started to believe my midwife. At some point I sent Mike to bed telling him to try to get at least an hour of sleep.

By 11:00 the fear started to creep in. Despite having done this two times previously my mind had forgotten the pain. With every contraction there was a new sense of panic. "How can I deliver this baby at home? I can't even get through the initial contractions!" "What if the pain becomes too much and I need an epidural?" Ridiculous, looking back. Mike came back down around 11:30 and realized that I was indeed in real labor.

We called the midwife around midnight and she arrived shortly thereafter along with another one shortly after that. By the time they arrived my emotions were under control. My feelings were the only thing that I could control and I had figured out how to do just that. I was calm. In fact, I even told the midwives what time to expect my water to break. I actually walked into my bathroom two contractions before it broke knowing that it was imminent. I told everyone in the room that night that Georgia would be born some time after 4:00.

The pushing took me by surprise. Maya had practically jumped out and I expected Georgie to do just that. This time the baby didn't want to come nearly as fast. I look back now and wonder if The Brave Little Soul was having second thoughts. Did she know that her life would be so short? Did she know that once she left my body and had to start breathing on her own, her days were numbered? Of course, I knew none of this at the time and only wanted her out.

She arrived angrily at 4:15 am on the 6th. I wasn't surprised by her anger because I had been joking for the last several days that she didn't want to come out. She was quite happy where she had been. I now understand why. She was beautiful and perfect. She eventually calmed down and actually ended up being the calmest of our 3 babies.

Eventually the midwives packed up and moved out just before Calla and Maya got out of bed. They walked in just after 7:00 to meet their gorgeous baby sister.

Missing you tonight Georgie.

Love to you all,



  1. Georgia entered the world just as she left it, a fighter!
    I can't imagine the emotions tonight/tomorrow Kristen, and there are no words I can say, but know we are thinking of all of you and of course your precious Georgia....
    Hugs, Em

  2. Thank you so much for sharing Kristen. Each of your entries is so very moving. Thinking of you lots and sending love your way on this night especially. Looking forward to seeing you guys on the weekend!


  3. And what a gorgeous brave little soul she was. Thinking of you all tonight and tomorrow.

  4. That was beautiful. Through tears I read your words and I Thank you for sharing those moments. Georgie's spirit is with you and Mike always and I pray for you even more tonight and tomorrow. My grandma always used to say these words after we lost someone dear to us and I've carried these words with me for a long time:
    "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." Georgia was one of your treasures and always will be. Thinking of you....and sending hugs.
    Be well,
    Lisa :)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It touches my heart and I couldn't read through it without tears.


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