Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Friday, April 10, 2009

some videos of Georgia at home

Here are a couple videos of Georgia playing after we took her home. Sorry it's taken me a while to post these, we've been so busy! I've also got several pictures that I'll try to post soon.

It sure is nice to see her having fun and interacting ... what a difference from the hospital!

1. Piano Playing ... this was the day after we took her home and had a "pizza picnic" on our bed.

2. Balloons ... she got so many balloons on her 1/2 birthday party, and she really likes to move them around.

Take care


  1. Baby Georgia, Kristen, Mike, Calla, Maya
    I have tried to do this quite a few times & somehow just can't find the words. I will say that you are in our thoughts & prayers daily.
    Roger & Paulette Senebald

  2. Thank you for sharing such precious moments with all of us. We appreciate the opportunity to see all of you just being a family and enjoying time with one another.
    Love and prayers,
    The Douglas Family

  3. Thanks for sharing the videos! It is so nice to see Georgia back in her own environment and enjoying some simple pleasures-who doesn't love playing with balloons! I hope you have a good day today, filled with lots of laughter and overflowing with love. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Emma

  4. It was a priviledge to share your videos. Georgia looks so content, you are working wonders for her.
    You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs to you all. Carol and Colin

  5. It was lovely to see Georgia having fun with her family around her. She really seems to be enjoying those balloons! Thank you for sharing. I can see why her doctor fights for kids to be at home. Hugs Kate and John

  6. It was lovely to see Georgia having some fun.. She is brave child, our love and prayers are with her. Nand Kishore

  7. Great videos. Georgia really does look like she is enjoying the piano, balloons and time with the family.
    Love you all tons.
    Jo& Damien

  8. Loved watching these videos with Georgia enjoying her balloons and piano... Thanks you so much for sharing with us all...

    Love Uncle John, Aunt Mary Lynn and family

  9. Wow what happy times to have your little girl home and Georgia looks like such a happy baby. Thank you for the glimpse into this little angels life. She is beautiful.

  10. Awwww, she totally knows she's cute! ;o) Thanks so much for taking the time and posting videos of your Georgia. I've quite enjoyed seeing her and will keep praying for you all.


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