Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


We took the girls to have their pictures taken at Sears yesterday. It was quite funny because we had a very uncooperative two year old. In fact, she wanted to wear her Backyardigans pyjamas! In the end we got a few cute group shots but my favorites are the individuals. At the last minutes I grabbed a couple of the scarves my mom and aunts have been knitting and wrapped them around Calla and Maya. Here are the results.
Hope all the family and friends enjoy! I am sorry I haven't updated more. I know that you enjoy the pictures! : ) Love to you all, Kristen

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics and considering Aria was uncooperative her pics turned out great!! Hope the first weeks of school have been great for all, thinking of you always, Love Em


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