Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Choosing a Name

With approximately 6 weeks to go we thought that it was about time to let everyone in on the name we have chosen for our little girl. It was actually a lot harder than we thought. We wanted to make sure that the name ended in 'a' like the other 3, we wanted it to be rather short like the other 3 and we wanted it to have a nice meaning.

We have always loved the name Evangeline and thought that it would be such an appropriate name for our little girl as it means 'bearer of good news'. When we said all four names however, Calla, Maya, Georgia and Evangeline, it just didn't sound right. Someone suggested Evangelina but then it just seemed so much longer than the other 3. If you shorten Evangeline to Eva it means 'life' or to Lena it means 'warrior'. I admit that I love both of these and we did consider these names for quite some time. For whatever reason it still wasn't sitting. I'd look at the ultrasound picture and just know that she wasn't any of these names.

Mike and I went back to our list and then back to the baby name book thinking that perhaps Evangeline would be a middle name. Sometime in January I came across the name Aria. Aria means 'melody or song'. It actually wasn't my favorite name at that point but I did love the meaning. Mike decided immediately that this was the name for our daughter. I still wasn't convinced and kept staring at our list playing with the names and looking at the ultrasound picture.

That was until one night I had a dream that I was walking to school with a happy little toddler. She was about 3 years old and had pig tails in her hair. I knew that we were going to pick up Calla and Maya and that this was the daughter that we have been waiting for. It was such a happy dream and in it I called this little girl Aria. So that settled it.

We are happily awaiting the arrival of Aria Evangeline. Our little 'song of good news'.

It is important to us that Aria understands that we considered her name for a long time and that we have chosen one that reflects how we feel about her. We never want her to believe that she was born as some type of replacement for Georgia or that she was some kind of accident. She is just one more gift that we have been granted and we are starting to get excited about meeting her.

The girls have been calling her Aria for a couple of months now but every once in a while they'll say, "What happens if she's a boy?"

Stay tuned! : )

Love to you all,



  1. I love it! I love the thought you put into it and the meaning is just perfect-you couldn't have chosen a better name, although I think she and Georgia certainly had some part in helping you come to your decision! We can't wait to hear about the arrival of Aria and we can't wait to meet her and see her big sisters doting on her. I know she is going to bring so much joy to your house and fill it with even more love and laughter. Love Em

  2. I love it!!! You have put a great deal of thought into the name and the meaning is perfect!!!!!

    I cannot wait to hear about the arrival of the newest member of the family!!!!



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