Welcome to Georgia's Journey

Georgia Lily Lucas was born at home on October 6th, 2008 4:15am, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was diagnosed with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) on April 1, 2009.

On April 3rd Georgia was taken home, to be near her sisters and the rest of her family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, on April 21, 2009, she died peacefully -- in the loving arms of her mother and in the same room in which she was born.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well, this morning I did something that I have been considering for a long time. I finally set myself up with a Facebook account. I've had lots of reasons/excuses not to do it until today but now there is something more important than my excuses. The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation has a chance to win 1 million dollars and they are pledging to have that money sent to the research that Dr. Keirstead is doing on SMA. 1 million dollars is a lot of money and they have a real chance at winning. They have already won 25 thousand dollars and are now in the finals. Here is some of what they have posted recently:

"We are extremely humbled that the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation (GSF) was voted by its supporters in December 2009 as one of the top 100 nonprofits out of more than 500,000 organizations in the first round of the $5M Chase Community Giving campaign on Facebook. That accomplishment would have never been possible without the passionate dedication of each and every one of us collectively working hard to get the word out about the importance of the campaign and tirelessly asking our family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to vote for GSF. To each and every one of you and them, thank you. Together, we made it happen!

For our first round accomplishment we received a $25,000 grant from JP Morgan Chase. We promised 100% of that to Dr. Hans Keirstead's promising stem cell program at the University of California, Irvine and we proudly sent a $25,000 check directly to Dr. Keirstead's lab within days of learning we won."

On Friday the voting will begin and I will post more information on how all of you can help us. I will also be sending out emails to remind you about our cause and hoping that all of you Facebookers will vote to make it happen. I am hoping that you will forward on my email as well as post the information on your Facebook pages. Two minutes could make all the difference. Stay tuned!

On another note, if I don't seem to be doing things right on Facebook please be patient. The truth is I have no idea what I'm doing yet and don't even have a picture posted. I promise to get it all sorted... that or Mike, my very computer savvy husband will! : )

Love to you all,


PS Bill and Victoria, hope you don't mind me quoting you guys!


  1. I just sent a request to add you, and I WILL be voting on Friday. I have been putting the info as my status this week and will continue to do so!! Such an easy way to be part of something so important....a cure is so close! Em

  2. I was waiting for you to post something about the Chase $1 million. I put it on my facebook page yesterday and will repost it again today and tomorrow. I have a WONDERFUL co-worker who follows your blog and Gwendolyn's blog DAILY!! She told me about the Chase $1 million and asked me to put it on my facebook page (she doesn't have one). You would be very proud of my co-worker (Kelly)... she's totally up-to-date on SMA and is spreading the word to let people know about it!


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